Rachel Adams - Gagging Practice

Rachel Adams - Gagging Practice Rachel Adams - Gagging Practice
Rachel adams is a wonderful person to tie and gag and i feel i tend to use her as sort of a guinea pig to try various things out on, which is what happens in this somewhat messy clip. my main goal was to try cleave and otm gags using various widths and kinds of cloth and different kinds and amounts of stuffing to see what i thought looked and worked best. stuffing with the cleaves and otms include stockings, a rag, panties, a scarf, and socks. and then just for the heck of it, i stuff a big cloth diaper in her mouth and seal it in with clear duct tape and, as a final gag, pack her mouth with 2 splash balls and wrap an elastic bandage between her teeth. there are a lot of gags in this one but keep in mind that each one doesn’t stay on very long since we were mainly concerned with seeing how they looked and moving on to the next one.i’m not sure how much we actually learned but it was a fun time! also, rachel is wearing a sexy schoolgirl outfit, which i kind of waste since i mostly keep the camera on her lower half. i felt bad about that so we used it in another clip that will be released at a later date.

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