Constance - Gag Test Subject

Constance - Gag Test Subject Constance - Gag Test Subject
Constance saw an ad in the paper asking for a gag test subject. the pay seemed good and the few gags she'd seen in tv shows and movies didn't seem awful so she decided to apply. when she arrived at the facility, she was greeted by a scientist who told her he had to prepare her for the tests and the next thing she knew, her wrists, ankles, and chest were bound (done off-screen). she thought that seemed a little unnecessary but went along with the test. the scientist returned with a large red stress ball which he crammed in her mouth before smoothing a wide strip of tegaderm over her lips. she'd never seen a gag like that on tv before! after inspecting the look of the gag and asking her a few questions about it, the scientist removed the gag and moved on to the next one. her second gag involved 2 sponge discs worked into her cheeks. a blue and white cloth was then tied between her teeth and a red crushed velvet cloth was tied over her mouth. constance seemed to be regretting her decision when she saw the roll of gauze that was quickly crammed into her mouth to start the third gag but the papers were already signed so she could do little but sit there as clear bondage tape was wrapped around her head, followed by silver vinyl tape on top of that. luckily she only had one more gag to test! her attempts to negotiate a lighter gag failed and a colorful bandana was pushed past her lips. durapore tape was wrapped over her mouth to keep the bandana in place and a band of yellow electrical tape went on top to finish off the gag. after a few more questions and having her agree to return for more testing later, the scientist ends the test session by removing her gag.

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