Chrystal CA On Location Paramed Response, AED, CPR, AED, ResQCPR

Chrystal CA On Location Paramed Response, AED, CPR, AED, ResQCPR Chrystal CA On Location Paramed Response, AED, CPR, AED, ResQCPR
Chrystal’s dramatic resus action continues in this clip. amirah performs cpr on her girlfriend with strong chest compressions with mtm. following a significant aed reaction her pulse is at normal rhythm when the paramedics arrive. they check her vitals immediately, place an o2 mask, bp cuff and 3 lead ecg electrodes. soon her heart vfibs again and the med team continues cpr. they ambu bag her as well. the aed is charged but there is no response following the first cycle. they continue cpr with the resqcpr pump. they perform many more cycles of cpr, bagging and aed until the patient’s pulse is at normal rhythm. exciting on location parameds resus action featuring aed and resqcpr pump. for paramed action fans.

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