Bag vs Britney

Bag vs Britney Bag vs Britney
Making fun of your predominant body fat percentage and weakness. i dance around, jump etc with my old punching bag on my back showing endurance. i carry the bag, nearly my own body weight, with one hand on a single shoulder to mock you. i slam it to the ground with loud thuds. i'm stronger & have more energy than the construction guys working on my outdoor living area and it's shameful. i lift the bag from the ground, starting from my knees. showing muscles and laughing, having a blast because these old workout items are so light for me. flipping this tire twice my weight is way too easy. i'd like to see you try to train with me lol (please note: clips4sale has banned me from showing up on the site categories. please email them if you'd like me to be able to put out clips again)

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