KLV 228 The Pain Shall Remain: Orsi B VS Fritz

KLV 228 The Pain Shall Remain: Orsi B VS Fritz KLV 228 The Pain Shall Remain: Orsi B VS Fritz
When you wrestle a veteran like orsi b, after the match is over indeed "the pain shall remain"! despite facing a larger opponent she has no trouble winning with her superior skill and her willingness to do anything to win, including grabbing his balls over and over! she mentions early on that she's gotten her morning coffee so has plenty of energy to dominate fritz with breast smothers, headscissors, choke holds and more! and she's not just grabbing his balls but also jamming her feet into them so they go back inside and may never come out again! all of this is why the pain shall remain! to see a free clip click on the pic on the right (or above if you're on a smart phone) where it says"click for preview"

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