ABDL chat and Pampers diaper wetting peeing

ABDL chat and Pampers diaper wetting peeing ABDL chat and Pampers diaper wetting peeing
I’m in my living room and having a chat about abdl :d i’m wearing a skeleton jumper, a knee length pair of black and white striped socks, and i’m securely fastened into a lovely pampers. i often get asked abdl questions so i thought it would be a great opportunity to answer some of them now and have a good catch up with you :d and sitting here on the floor with my crinkly plastic rubbing against the fluffy rug whilst i talk is definitely a bonus :) as i chat with you, i can feel the pressure on my bladder beginning to build, so i get onto my knees and allow a warm jet to spill into my plastic. it feels wonderful to suddenly satisfy my bladder, and i can feel the pampers getting heavier and bulkier around my crotch :d i love talking abdl, but it’s even more fun when i’m nice and soggy ;)

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