LF082 [CENSORED] Time - Aiden vs Bobbie Blush MP4

LF082 [CENSORED] Time - Aiden vs Bobbie Blush MP4 LF082 [CENSORED] Time - Aiden vs Bobbie Blush MP4
Lf082  [censored] time - aiden vs bobbie blush 46 minutes of intense fighting with lots of "rnc" holds. now on mobile friendly mp4 one evening, the girls get one of the monthly members request forms where they would like to see a match where is the one able to put the most submission holds on her opponent. you know that when these two ladies get together, all well laid out plans go to hell as they simply can't get along well enough to get the job done and all hell breaks loose. the trash talking starts early as bobbie reads out the rules, whoever gets the most rncs  in, wins the match. when aiden puts her hand out to wish her annoying opponent the best of luck, she's caught with a sucker punch to the belly and the fight is on. bobbie is quick to establish her dominance over aiden early in the match. with excellent scissors and shots to the belly, bobbie wants to get aiden weakened as quickly as possible so that she can get to work on the submission holds. after much back and forth action with a lot of hair pulling, crotch attacks and raking of the nails, bobbie manages to sneak in an rnc on aiden and it doesn't take long for the maniacal diva to go to rest. proud of her handy work, bobbie enjoys rag dolling poor aiden from side to side while trash talking to her ko'd opponent.   knowing that to get more submission holds in on aiden, bobbie has to wake her up so with a sharp slap to the back of the neck, the fight is back on. no sooner is aiden awake, bobbie catches her in a vicious leg spreader hold but aiden's experience allows her to cheap shot bobbie to get out of it and turn the tables. aiden bow & arrows bobbie to weaken her down but lets it go too early as both ladies tumble and turn trying to get the advantage over each other, resorting to nasty cheap shots and grabs. war is hell and these two girls don't give a damn about the rules, back and forth they go, pounding the hell out of each other before aiden gets in behind bobbie for a double arm choke that slowly but surely puts bobbie down but in a futile attempt to save herself, bobbie reminds aiden that it takes an rnc hold to win. but by this time she's so weak that she can't stop aiden from cranking on the submission hold that finally puts out bobbie.   when it comes time to wake up bobbie, only the maniacal diva could think up of such a vicious method as putting her unconcious victim in a figure four leg lock.. as she slams her foot down over bobbie's crossed leg, aiden is rewarded by a shocking scream from her victim as she wakes up to incredible pain. talk about a wake up call.   everytime someone gets an rnc hold on her victim, the winner start to linger the hold on their opponent longer that required, ensuring a deeper and more damaging outcome for when she wakes up. almost like adding insult to injury!   and from here on in, the match goes back and forth with more knockouts and rncs than you can shake a stick at as these two vicious hellcats tear away at each other, all the while getting dirtier and nastier with their tactics in order to secure the win until finally, only one gets to walk away while the other one is left unconcious on the mat, twitching after having been subjected to the most vicious and cruelest crotch brutality, all the while unconcious. lf082 is going to be a submission hold lover's dream come true. with intense back and forth fighting at hand, these two ladies give it their all in this matchup. with various holds, hits and moves tossed in, this video will also appeal to most people who love watching full action fights between two hated opponents. you'll not want to miss this one!

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