Melissa's Dirty Sneakers (HD)

Melissa's Dirty Sneakers (HD) Melissa's Dirty Sneakers (HD)
Dropping in at the office without taking off her sneakers to use the wifi, melissa asks me to sit on the floor while she perches herself up on the desk. sitting in front of me she steps on my head and face like it was a footrest as she chats with the boyfriend. i politely ask her if she's done at one point and she simply replies with a straight "no" keeping her dirty shoe on my face. i truly felt like dirt being stepped on by her like that.    the bottom of her shoes were dirty and grimy from walking downtown, only she knows where those shoes have been. i could even smell the dirt off the soles as i licked them clean, like a dusty street smell. she was stepping down on the back of my head with her hot sweaty socks as i lie face down buried in shoe grime. melissa completely ignores me for the most part on occasion giving me the middle finger. i suppose it's to show me to my face she doesn't care about stepping on it at anytime she pleases. getting my face stepped on is my life so it's not like i have dreams or ambitions. i'm just a hollow shell of a man that gets it's face stepped on, coughs up money like an atm to hot who sometimes drop in just for the wifi and to empower themselves while putting me down beneath their feet. hope you enjoy the video of my life!

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