la gonna divoratrice - The vore skirt #2 ( 1 PART )

la gonna divoratrice - The vore skirt #2 ( 1 PART ) la gonna divoratrice - The vore skirt #2 ( 1 PART )
Eleanore is my mom and she wants me to play a game. she wants me to crawl between her legs. when i crawl to the other side, i’ve shrunken. i stand up and now i’m eye level with eleonore’s waist. she presses me against the apron of her dress, knowing the dress is making me shrink. she tells me again to crawl between her legs. i crawl to the other side and have shrunk again. now i’m eye level with the hemline of eleonore’s dress. she brushes her dress and petticoats at me, telling me how her skirt is eating me and growing bigger and bigger. she orders me again to go between her legs. this time, i shrink to the size of a bug. eleonore walks over me, showing how full her petticoats are. her dress is so full, she could squish me without seeing me. she sits down on me, leaving me trapped under her petticoats. i try to escape, as i’m slowly shrinking the longer i’m underneath her skirts, but she can feel me and blocks off my exits. eventually, i’m fully absorbed into eleonore’s dress (she would be wearing all of the petticoats). she sits there and admires how full i made her dress. this is the first part, for buy full version click here  full hd italian language related videos la gonna divoratrice - the vore skirt

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