Kissing first, then facesitting

Kissing first, then facesitting Kissing first, then facesitting
A couple enters the frame. they lie down on the bed and start kissing. they reek of tenderness and passion. but in an instant the girl knocks out the man's supporting arm and he ends up on his back. she deftly jumps on him so that his neck is just between her thighs and the girl can easily give him facesitting. she sits on his face. his airway is securely blocked. no oxygen enters his body. the guy wants to breathe, but the girl denies him that opportunity. this goes on several times. the girl waits for the guy to give up, then waits a few more seconds before allowing him to take a breath. the whole process is exactly what the girl likes, and most likely the guy likes, although it does cause some discomfort. there are some pov scenes in the video.

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