Hearts Attack 2: Lazing Around Smoking in My Lil Pink Nightie

Hearts Attack 2: Lazing Around Smoking in My Lil Pink Nightie Hearts Attack 2: Lazing Around Smoking in My Lil Pink Nightie
Wanna sit with me and watch me enjoy a cigarette? i already know the answer. do you like my lil pink nightie? surprised it still fits, after my … augmentation. (it's pretty tight - i am spilling out just a bit, lol.) my hair is messy, but you like that right-out-of-bed look - messy is sexy (that almost rhymes). my voice is rough, my lips, my eyes - oh, and my smoking … you like all of that too, don’t you. i'm just gonna be lazy today. too lazy even to empty my overflowing ashtray. just lie around in this lil nightie, watching the smoke pour from my lips in this heavy humid summer air. i'm glad you're here to share this with me.