combat Judy vs Alexa

combat Judy vs Alexa combat Judy vs Alexa
Two cute slender teengirls compete against each other. redhead judy is a lot smaller than black-haired alexa, but she has more combat experience. not only once she throws her opponent to the ground, then quickly sit down on her stomach. both keen on to pinch and pull on the pierced pussies and nipples. the two know how much it hurts. at first they are still giggling, but later they are screaming like crazy. the fight takes place mainly on the ground. judy conquer alexa several times to the task.    zwei niedliche schlanke teengirls treten gegeneinander an. di'e rothaarige judy ist um einiges kleiner als di'e schwarzhaarige alexa, aber di'e hat mehr kampferfahrung. nich nur einmal wirft sie ihre gegnerin zu boden, um sich dann flink auf sie zu setzen. beiden hat es in diesem kampf besonders angetan an den gepiercten pussys und nippeln zu ziehen. beide wissen wie weh das tut. zuerst kichern sie noch, doch später schreien sie wie am spieß. der kampf findet vorwiegend auf dem boden statt. judy zwingt alexa mehrere mal zur aufgabe.   all productions are strictly of a role play and story driven nature and feature fully consenting participants and established safe signals between model(s) and crew are in continual use throughout the production. thus, these are pure, tongue in cheek adventuristic fantasy scenarios, without exception fully consensual, contextual and supported by model release to this effect. feel free to contact us for a custom video: combatgirlscustomclip(at)

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