New Citizen's Scissors!

New Citizen's Scissors! New Citizen's Scissors!
Brazilian ifbb women's physique pro, pro muscles just received notice that she has become a us citizen. in "new citizen's scissors," she tells her husband ed the good news, but he is less than enthusiastic, telling her "i could pass that test blindfolded!" when he can't even answer "who is the father of our nation?," pro muscles decides its time for his re-education via a severe scissoring from her fantastic legs. pro muscles is a woman of incredible class, elegance, taste and style.  she has a flawless physique, so being with a man who doesn't even know how many u.s. senators we have, does not exactly fit her lifestyle.  so she not only tests his knowledge of america in this clip, but his ability to withstand pain as well.  she starts out by pulling him into a classic scissor and then maneuvers him into a grapevine, side scissor, front scissor, figure 4, reverse scissor and reverse figure 4, before finally making him her footstool, and makes him massage her awesome calves. trt 10.5 minutes, enjoy!

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