Cute naive cheerleader Catie Parker gets striped to bra and panties and tied up by sexy robber Ashley Lane (PART 2 of 2)

Cute naive cheerleader Catie Parker gets striped to bra and panties and tied up by sexy robber Ashley Lane (PART 2 of 2) Cute naive cheerleader Catie Parker gets striped to bra and panties and tied up by sexy robber Ashley Lane (PART 2 of 2)
Continued from part 1: catie has been tied up and gagged to a chair for about an hour now, but finally after a lot of struggle her bonds start to give in until she finally manages it to get free. she unties her hands and legs but in that moment she hears ashley coming back so she puts her hands behind her back and pretends to be still tied up. ashley approaches to catie with the purpouse of humiliate her again but in that moment the petite blonde jumps on ashley and even thou she is smaller she is so angry that overpowers ashley! catie grabs the ropes from the floor and ties ashley's hands behind her back. ashley can't believe she has been overpowered by a girl much shorter and weaker than her!! ashley tries to intimidate the cheerleader but catie, still with her gag on is so upset to take any threats from ashley! after ashley is tightly tied up to the chair, catie pulls down her gag and grabs her cell phone, she handgags ashley and takes some selfies, now ashley knows how humiliating that is!!! once catie ties her legs she leaves the robber tied and gagged while she calls the police.... they will find the suspect already restrained!video includes behind the scenes*this video is a work of fiction, all the situations depicted are strictly fantasy and role play, featuring fully consenting adult participants. we do not consent, under any circumstance, any kind of aggression against women or another human being. all of hollyrope videos are fictional fantasy scenarios, without exception fully consensual, contextual and supported by a model release to this effect*

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