The story – asmr stylecamera: freestyle• you a really arrogant and bitchy gold digger. improvise and talk financial domination andasmr style, simple sexy whispering.• you are just arriving and stepping into a room, walking a bit and lies down onto a couch. youshould not wear the choker yet.• tell me, that you made a great business when you poisoned your husband and you humiliatedhim totally before that. you ruined his business and stole all his money. what a fucking looser...• some nice poses on the couch camera: fix but at normal height not to place too close to the floor, showalways your full body with heeled legs not to zoom anywhere important• you are still lying on a couch and keep talking in financial domination style, improvise as youwish.• show me, that you got an expensive gift (the choker) from your husband, but you ki  lled him inreturn! you were really badass!• put your choker on, you looks awesome! but your husband was not totally stupid, he got thatchoker cursed by a voodoo witch...then the magic activates...• you are totally surprised, your breath is away when the choker becomes tighter and tighter andyou realize that now you are fighting for your life against this piece of sh it. the body shakes,legs are kicking and tries to tears off the choker but everything seems hopeless, finally your arebeing ch00ked fatally… important : please do all of the the action scenes as lying on the couch, do not come down fromthat and do not go outside of the camera view. i would like to see always your whole body withbooted legs, because you are beautiful. :-) this is a perfect view, you might increase the height ofthe camera position a bit if possible.

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