A strict step-mom with her little wanker

A strict step-mom with her little wanker A strict step-mom with her little wanker
Eve wakes up dressed for work (long maxi skirt, satin blouse, pantyhose,classic heels), her step-son has caught the shrinking virus and she searches for him. she finds him in her wardrobe jerking off to one of her skirts. this makes eve angry (she says "step-mommy will put an end to this") so she decides to throw him out on the floor, put a skirt on top of him and start stepping and twisting on it trying to reduce him to a stain on the skirt. eve then picks the skirt up and sees that he's not finished, so she smashes him in the skirt with her hands but this is of no use. eve find herself  in a hurry for work, so she puts him on the backside of her pantyhose, puts the skirt on and leaves to work saying "step-mommy will deal with you later if you will last that long. when she comes back home, she checks on him and sees that he's still alive, so she throws him on the couch and starts sitting on him grinding him under her ass, even spitting on him until he's plastered to her skirt. in the end she will say "from now on you will always be just a stain on step-mommy's skirt".   full hd eng

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