Brenda James Finger Sex and Smoking While on her Phone
Brenda is dressed for her secretarial job and has a brief break on her upstairs patio. there's just enough time for a smoke, a phone call and some great finger action inside her panties. brenda is clearly feeling quite horny, and she teases herself as things get more and more out of hand....nipples pop out, legs open and panty panels get pushed aside so fingers can disappear. and don't overlook the great smoking and flirting. brenda is perfect! (re-edited )
finger fucking, masturbation, lingerie, foot fetish, nipple play, vintage stockings, high heel pumps, stockinged feet, toes in nylons, casual nudity, garter belt and nylons, striptease, secretly watching, mood scene, fingering pussies, creative smoking, gulping pussy closeups, phone sex, secretary tit play