Beckett gets sold to Mister Latcher

This is a submitted script and some changes have been made to it in the final product. purchase your copy here: note on sequence: like the other entries in the latcher series, this script includes a main scene and several flashbacks inserted at key moments. recommended production order of scenes is b, c, d, a. main scene a: football stud meets mr. latcher [location: living room area.] [two chairs are facing the camera. smith is sitting in one. beckett, who is wearing only his underwear, is on his knees in front of the other chair, with his head bowed submissively toward the camera. throughout scene a, beckett’s facial expression is tranced, calm, and blank, except that his eyes react to what smith says, showing that he is still aware of what is happening to him the whole time.] smith: [speaking to camera] hi, mr. latcher. let me congratulate you first that beckett here is your 25th reservation with our organization. on behalf of all my colleagues, i want to thank you for your continuing business. your taste continues to be excellent. beckett here was a fine choice. i can understand why you wanted him when you saw his picture in the newspaper after his surprise touchdown last fall. it was difficult, but, for your million dollar fee, we were able to acquire beckett for you. we were also able to fulfill your request for detailed insider footage of us this straight football jock into total obedience. you mentioned that you enjoyed watching jonathan and axel trying to resist, so you will be very pleased with beckett. he resisted and fought the control harder than any other stud i’ve captured in my career. but you can see how it all worked out for him in the end. now he’s completely helpless and completely obedient. [gestures at beckett kneeling on floor] beckett: [slowly balls hands into fists but otherwise does not move or speak, keeping head bowed submissively] smith: [continuing] beckett, look up at the camera. [beckett looks up at the camera. his facial expression remains tranced and blank, but his fists are still balled and his eyes show he is aware of what is happening] if you look carefully, you can see that he is still fighting hard inside his mind to break free. you can see it in his eyes, and he is clenching his fists. he will never be as docile as darren or jonathan, but don’t worry, mr. latcher, beckett is completely locked under control. there is nothing he can do to free himself or disobey you. watch. [flashes light into beckett’s eyes] beckett: [tranced and blank] i will obey. i have no choice. smith: rub your chest with one hand and tell mr. latcher he can play with your body as much as he wants. beckett: [tranced, rubbing chest] you can play with my body as much as you want. smith: tell mr. latcher what will happen if he commands you to strip naked and give him a lap dance. beckett: [tranced] if he commands me, i will take off my clothes and give him a lap dance. smith: [mocking] and tell us what you would do if you were free right now. beckett: [tranced, still rubbing chest] i would you for everything you did to me. smith: don’t worry, mr. latcher. there’s nothing he can do to break free, so he won’t be anyone. we used our most advanced technology to make sure beckett only does what you want, not what he wants. from the beginning, it was clear that beckett was going to need advanced methods to achieve this level of total control. he was able to partially resist a full dose of our subliminal sound waves during the fake interview we set up to capture him for you. insert flashback scene b here smith: [to camera] some of our recruits have to go to the lab because their wills are too strong to be fully locked by the sound waves in our music. others have to go because they’re so against being commanded to have gay sex that they manage to resist. beckett was both. but no recruit has ever left the lab with an unlocked mind. the mind piercer in our lab is a thousand times more powerful than the sound waves in the music. you can see what it did to beckett. [gestures to beckett] [beckett remains in his underwear on his knees, continuing to rub his chest, staring blankly ahead, but with clenched fists and defiant eyes] smith: beckett, stand up. [beckett stands up] smith: tell me how you felt when your picture was in all the papers last year. beckett: [blank, tranced] i was proud. i won the game for the team. i was starting to be successful. all the girls wanted me. smith: now, pull your underwear down to your ankles and start rubbing your cock. [beckett obeys immediately. he rubs his cock for a while.] smith: turn around slowly and show mr. latcher your naked body. [beckett turns slowly in a circle until facing front again] smith: remind me what you said about saving your body for your girlfriend. beckett: [blank, tranced] i said the only one who sees me without clothes is my girlfriend. smith: and here you are, completely naked and showing us your dick and your ass. why are you doing all this? beckett: [blank, tranced] you’re making me do this. you did this to me. smith: how do you feel about another guy touching your naked ass? beckett: [flat, tranced] i’ll you. smith: turn around. [beckett turns around, and smith thoroughly feels beckett’s ass, kneading and squeezing the muscles. the camera zooms in to capture a close-up of the area from beckett’s upper thighs to lower back, as smith rubs his ass. the camera then returns to normal zoom.] smith: [continuing to feel beckett’s ass and back, stroking the back of his head in ownership] look at him, mr. latcher. i’m exploring the ass of this straight football stud, and he just stands there and lets me. you can see, after his session with the mind piercer at the lab, beckett will do absolutely anything, whether he wants to or not. we took some footage of his training there for you. insert flashback scene c here smith: [still stroking beckett’s back and ass] that is the power of the mind piercer, mr. latcher. none of our recruits have ever resisted it. it can turn a cocky football jock into this [squeezes beckett’s ass]. beckett, turn around. [beckett turns to face the camera again.] smith: what would you do if a man approached you after a game and told you to stroke your cock for his entertainment? beckett: [tranced] i would fuck him up. smith: perfect. play with your cock and get hard for mr. latcher. he needs to decide if he wants to reserve you. [as beckett strokes, smith speaks to the camera.] smith: you enjoy using our studs’ release phrases more than most clients, mr. latcher, so any time you want to see the struggle going on inside this jock, the phrase will be ready. i personally tested it many times during beckett’s training, so you can be confident that it works. i’ve included some footage of one session. insert flashback scene d here smith: i hope you enjoyed beckett’s training footage, mr. latcher. like i said, he was the most resistant recruit of my career. but as you can see [gestures to beckett still stroking his cock] the football star whose picture you saw in the newspaper is now yours to enjoy. we aim to please, mr. latcher. beckett, tell mr. latcher you want him to control you and enjoy your body. beckett: [tranced, stroking] mr. latcher, i want you to control me and enjoy my body. smith: perfect. now, let’s move on to the final sexual demonstration. beckett, mr. latcher wants to see your sexual skills. follow me to the bedroom. [location shift: bedroom] [the final part cannot be scripted without knowing the actor’s limits. possibilities could include humping a pillow, masturbating to orgasm, simulated oral sex with an object, additional ass play, being to watch and jack off to gay porn, doing something embarrassing with a football. while beckett does these things, smith comments on how submissive and obedient he is, how much he must hate what he is doing, etc. after beckett cums, smith invites mr. latcher to finalize his reservation and to contact the organization again if he sees more handsome athletes who needs to be recruited.] flashback scene b: captured at the interview [location: office.] [smith is seated. beckett enters, they shake hands, and they sit down for an interview.] smith: [friendly] beckett, it’s nice to meet you. i’m so glad you were able to make it here. you’ve become a state celebrity in the last year, after that touchdown. beckett: [confident, sincere, but slightly arrogant] yeah, it was a good game, and my life has gotten really busy now. i just did an interview with sports diagrammed magazine and spent the weekend with one of the ladies of the olympic gymnastics team. esnp is interviewing me next month. my agent even told me that the diz-nee channel wants me to audition for a role. my life has changed a lot in a year. it just show you have to work hard and play by the rules. smith: [friendly] that’s great, beckett. i’m so glad you were able to work in some time for us. like the ad said, we are a local sportswear company, and we’re looking for models for our fall catalog. the shoot will only take a day or two. are you comfortable modelling our line of compression tops and bottoms? beckett: [confident] that’s fine. i wear under shield compression gear all the time. smith: [friendly] are you comfortable with shirtless photos? beckett: [frowning] i’m sorry, but no. i have to keep all my clothes on for any pictures. it’s complicated. smith: i see. i guess that you won’t be able to model our line of jock straps either, then. beckett: [serious but friendly] i’m sorry. i’m not trying to be uncooperative. i just don’t believe in any kind of photography that could be seen as sexual. i know you’re selling clothes, but i’ve heard that some pervs beat off to pictures from catalogs like that. the only person who sees me without clothes on is my girlfriend. but you can take pictures of me throwing the ball around in a field with your gear on, or anything else where i’m not showing skin. smith: i understand. you wouldn’t want people getting off to pictures of you in a jock strap catalog. that’s fine. everyone has their limits. we can still get some useful shots of you fully dressed, and you can save the rest for your girlfriend. beckett: [sincere] thanks for understanding. is there any paperwork i need to sign or did my agent already set everything up? smith: yes, there is a contract to sign, but there’s one more issue first. one of the commercials we want to shoot with you involves you running to the beat of our brand’s theme music. i just need to make sure you can keep a beat for that scene. [pulls out headphones] so what i need you to do is to listen to our brand music with these headphones and try tapping out the beat with your hand. i just need to make sure you can keep a steady beat. can you do that? beckett: [confident] yeah, that’s no problem. smith: [handing headphones to beckett] great. by the way, is anyone expecting you later today? beckett: [putting on headphones] no. lucky for me, my schedule is empty until practice tomorrow afternoon. smith: perfect. [darkly] that’s very lucky for us both. i’m going to start the music now. try to tap your hand in beat with the music. [smith starts the music. beckett taps the beat with his hand, maintaining a confident, normal expression, for 20-30 seconds.] beckett: [sounding more wary] is that enough? there’s something weird about this music. smith: [fake friendly] try to keep going longer. it’s a 90 second commercial. [beckett continues to listen and tap, and the sound waves start to affect him. he taps slower and slower, eventually stopping completely. as this is happening, his facial expression changes from normal to worried to panicked. he holds his head like he has a severe headache.] beckett: [panicked] something is wrong. take it off. [camera switches to close-up of beckett’s head and shoulders] beckett: [whispering to himself while holding his head] i will obey. no…. no… i will obey. i will obey. i will obey. no… i will obey… somebody help me… [he keeps whispering like this and tries to resist for 30-60 seconds, gradually stops, sits up with his hands at his side, and stares passively down.] smith: [dominating] [taking headphones off beckett] perfect. now, beckett you’re going to be a very cooperative boy for me and take the kind of pictures i want to take. [flashes light at beckett] beckett: [eyes still down] [flat, tranced voice] i will obey. i have no choice. smith: [commanding] look up at me. [beckett looks up, his face is blank, but his eyes are defiant, showing his awareness and resistance] smith: great. the clients will love that look in your eyes while they’re fucking you. stand up. [beckett stands up.] smith: turn around and touch your toes so that i can see your ass squeezing against your pants. [beckett turns around, bends over, and flashes his clothed ass at the camera. smith squeezes and rubs it.] smith. perfect. [still rubbing ass] i was sad to hear that you didn’t want to do shirtless photos for my sports catalog. but now that you’re being such a good obedient football stud, why don’t we make a video of you dancing completely naked and hard for my other catalog. stand up and turn around. [beckett faces forward again, with a blank expression and still defiant eyes. smith flashes the light in his face again.] beckett: [tranced] i will obey. i have no choice. smith: take off all your clothes. [beckett strips off his shirt, shoes, and socks. he reaches for his waistband, but his hands stop there.] smith: beckett, you will strip naked, now. [beckett shakes head, eyes defiant] beckett: [whispering] no, i’ll fight this. i’ll fight you. smith: [mocking] we’ll see about that. [puts headphones back on beckett, adjusts a setting on the headphones] [beckett continues to whisper “i’ll fight it,” but eventually he stops. smith leaves the headphones on him.] smith: strip naked, now. [beckett pulls off his pants. his hands stop again at his underwear. he stands perfectly still and blank, but he won’t take off the underwear.] beckett: [whispering but defiant] no. smith: [idly stroking beckett’s body] perfect. mr. latcher enjoys the strong-minded studs who put up a good fight. you will follow me to the van outside, get in the back, and remain silent and still. we’re going to the lab. [they both walk off the set.] [end of scene b] flashback scene c: football stud and the mind piercer [location: exam room.] [smith and beckett walk into the frame. beckett is passive and tranced, still wearing only his underwear, with the headphones over his ears.] smith: you were a good boy in the van, and you got to listen to that music the whole drive. now lie down on the table. [beckett passively lies down on the table. smith removes the headphones. beckett continues to lie on the table, mostly but not completely under control, with defiant eyes.] smith: good. i love to see that fight in your eyes. you’re probably wondering what is about to happen to you. [smith pulls out a piece of paper, this page of the script]. i put a resistant soccer player through this process last month. when it was over, i commanded him to write down what the experience was like on the inside. this paper is what he wrote. sit up. [beckett sits up, still tranced] smith: [hands beckett the paper] read it out loud. beckett: [reading aloud from the printed paper, in a slow tranced voice] “when i walked into the lab, i was still half in control of myself. i could still fight it when he ordered me to do sexual stuff, even after an hour of those headphones. then he told me to lie down on the table. he gave me a hit of some kind of gas, and when i breathed it i started forgetting things. i forgot where i was and who i was. i couldn’t remember my name or why i was on this table. i couldn’t remember i had to fight this guy. while i was breathing the gas, he put a machine in front of my eyes. when he turned it on, there was a bright light. i tried as hard as i could not to look at it, but i couldn’t stop myself. i could feel the light making me obedient, but i couldn’t look away from it. it was erasing the part of me that could fight him. i couldn’t think anymore. i wasn’t fully conscious. i don’t know how much time went by. when the light finally turned off, i woke up and wanted to cry. i was naked and jacking off. i remembered my name and how i got here. but now it felt like my mind was locked inside a steel box. on the inside, i could think and i knew who i was, but on the outside i had to obey no matter what. i could never get out, unless he said some secret words. i couldn’t stop jacking off or cover myself. on the inside, i beat my hands against the steel box, but on the outside i kept stroking my cock. i wanted to scream. he said he was going to turn me into a sex slave, and now i knew that he had.” smith: that’s what’s going to happen to you. are you ready, beckett? lie back on the table again. beckett: [alertness breaking through] no, no. please. don’t do this to me. somebody help. [he tries to bargain with smith, but he still can’t move or physically fight.] [smith puts the gas mask on beckett. beckett tries to hold his breath but fails. as he breathes it for a while, his eyes wander around like he doesn’t know who or where he is. smith sets up the rest of the process, with whatever props are available. smith takes off the gas mask and turns on the light. beckett tries to look away for a minute or so, but fails. eventually, he stares at the light blankly.] smith: [speaking into beckett’s ear]: when your mind is fully locked, you will pull down your underwear and stroke your cock until i order you to stop. [smith then places the headphones back on beckett] [beckett continues to lie there, staring into the light and listening to the waves from the headphones, occasionally shaking his head in resistance. smith steps off camera and makes a call.] smith: yes, alexandra? this is dr. smith. i wanted to let you know that beckett just left my office acting very strange. he said he needs a break and is flying to japan for a month. yes, i thought so too. yes. i thought you should know as his agent, so you can reschedule him. yes, you should call him right away. yes. thanks. [ends call] [beckett continues staring into the light, but his hands wander to the waistband of his underwear. beckett’s phone starts ringing, because the agent is calling him, but he does not respond. when the phone stops ringing, beckett pulls down his underwear, without sitting up, and starts to masturbate.] [smith turns off the light and takes off the headphones. he pulls beckett’s underwear completely off his legs, leaving him completely naked. beckett is hard and continues stroking his cock.] smith: perfect. now feel your body with your other hand. keep stroking. [beckett feels himself while continuing to stroke.] [smith flashes the small light at beckett’s face.] beckett: [tranced, stroking] i will obey. i have no choice. smith [stroking beckett’s hair dominantly]: you’re mine now. when you cum, your obedience will lock forever. now stroke yourself until you shoot your load. [scene c ends here, or else beckett cums off screen. the real climax should be saved until the end of scene a.] [depending on actor limits, smith can also stroke beckett’s cock here, feel his body, order him into humiliating positions, after the mind piercer treatment.] [end of flashback scene c] flashback scene d: testing the control [location: laundry area.] [smith leads beckett into the frame. beckett is completely naked. smith flashes the small light into his eyes.] beckett: [tranced] i will obey. i have no choice. smith: [stroking his face or hair] of course you’ll obey, football stud. but we need to check on how you’re doing on the inside. raise your hands above your head. [beckett obeys. he remains docile as smith binds his hands in the wrist straps hanging from the ceiling.] smith: [to camera] you can see i’m securing his arms, mr. latcher, so that he can’t escape or hit me once he is released. [smith strokes beckett’s body and cock a few more times. then he says beckett’s release phrase.] smith: [to beckett] iron tiger box. [beckett shakes his head, blinks, and suddenly regains control of himself. he curses and threatens smith loudly, shouting and jerking on the restraints. the actor should improv the exact words here and try to seem as angry and threatening as possible. whenever smith tries to talk, beckett shouts over him with threats and insults. smith pulls out the small light and flashes it in beckett’s face.] beckett: [tranced and docile again] i will obey. i have no choice. smith: you can hear me in there. i’m going to unlock you again, and if you don’t let me talk i’m going to bring another one of our studs over here and order him to fuck you all night. [pause] iron tiger box. beckett: [glaring, furious face and tone] you’re going to pay for this. i’ll find a way out. you’ll pay. smith: no, once your training is over, i’m going to get paid. for now, i need to test a few things. [smith starts fondling beckett’s cock] beckett: [angry] fucking sick. get your hands off me. [tries to pull away] i’m not doing your perverted gay . my dick is for girls only. [getting angrier] get off me! now! [smith flashes the light in his face.] beckett: [controlled again] i will obey. i have no choice. smith: [continuing to stroke beckett’s cock] thrust your hips a little. try to get into it as i masturbate you. think about how you’re going to thrust for your clients when they play with your dick. [smith continues to stroke beckett. beckett gets hard and thrusts into smith’s hand. smith feels beckett’s body with his free hand. when beckett is close to coming, smith uses the release phrase.] smith: iron tiger box. beckett: [humiliated, with his dick sticking out] fuck, i can’t even cover up. please let me go. no more. at least let me put clothes on, you evil bastard. are you filming this? [looking at camera] smith: yes. our richest client enjoys watching the training process. and for $100,000 a night, i’m happy to send him the video as a thank you. beckett: fuck you. [beckett turns around to hide his dick from the camera.] i swear i will get free and make you all pay for this! smith: turning around is fine. mr. latcher enjoys watching your naked bubble ass equally well. he personally told me that watching your ass move during your games was the only reason he bought tickets. beckett: fuck! [turning sideways to partly hide his ass and cock from the camera.] stop filming me, you fuck! you’re going to pay for this! i’m not a damn sex slave. what? you get off humiliating people? smith: i think we need a better look at that body. let’s do some sexy close-ups for mr. latcher. [pulls out the small light] beckett: no! don’t! [light flashes] [tranced] i will obey. i have no choice. smith: turn toward me. [beckett turns] flex and gyrate your body in a sexy way while i film some close-ups for mr. latcher. [beckett gyrates his torso and ass, flexing his muscles, while smith picks up the camera and pans over beckett’s entire body. the camera is as close as possible to his skin while still remaining in focus, moving up from beckett’s feet slowly over his cock, torso, and finally stopping at his blank face and defiant eyes. smith tells him to turn around and does the same slow whole body pan over his back, ass, and legs. smith could also rub oil into beckett’s skin here while he is flexing or release one of beckett’s hands to make him do it.] [smith returns the camera to the tripod. beckett continues to flex and gyrate.] smith: [to camera] mr. latcher. as you can see, beckett’s release phrase and relock triggers are fully in place. [smith releases beckett from the restraints, and orders beckett to follow him out of the room. beckett follows passively and they exit.] [end of flashback scene d]