the Female prison doctor and naked inmate

the Female prison doctor and naked inmate the Female prison doctor and naked inmate
The female prison doctor and naked inmatethis inmate stands hands behind head infront of a fully clothed doctor complaining of his member and how he sufffers from constant erections. kind and professional she examines his penis reminding him to keep hands on head or the guards will hurt him in ways he does not want. she begins to examine base to tip asking questions and testing sensitivity. but this inmate does not listen very well as he repeatedly lowers his hands trying to touch the female doctor. yet she remains calm and reminds him again of the mean and anxious guards that are just outside the door. she takes her stethescope out and examins his penis once more listening to the pulsing, lightly stroking her nails aginst the veigns, softly squee--z-ing .. finally as she finishes she says there is nothing wrong as he stands there erect and craving a hj, bj, anything for release. but instead the female doctor gives him a medical order for 6months hard labor to work off his pent up frustration and energy as she tells him to be on his way...

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