Roxy Smokes Matches and Marlboros (720p)

Roxy Smokes Matches and Marlboros (720p) Roxy Smokes Matches and Marlboros (720p)
I believe i’ve now reached 300 clips on my roxy lure site, in various sizes and resolutions for your pleasure and convenience.  yay! to celebrate, i want to show you a particular smoking trick of mine that not too many other girls do. what is it, you ask? well, truth be told i sometimes “smoke” the matches i use to light my cigarettes.   while still lit, i put the match deep into my mouth, extinguish it, then inhale and exhale the smoke from the extinguished match head.   yummy.   not too healthy i’m sure, but the little bit of pain feels good, and the little bit of sulfurous smoke feels very good in my lungs.   you may have seen me do this a couple of times in previous clips.   but now you can watch me show you the “full monty” of match smoking.   :-) i also smoke a marlboro of course, because yes.   lol and i strip to nude while chatting with you about being dirty from gardening, and how i need to do my nails. enjoy!  xoxoxoxo