Carmen Valentina vs Jezebel Romo Bitchy Battles Part 1!

Carmen Valentina vs Jezebel Romo Bitchy Battles Part 1! Carmen Valentina vs Jezebel Romo Bitchy Battles Part 1!
Carmen valentina vs. jezebel romo bitchy battles part 1! description:(ring singles women’s wrestling w/catty tactics in bikinis, kiss my ass match)in the first of 2 special stipulation matches and 1 of 3 overall coming between the two, “bitchy battles part 1”, sees carmen valentina and jezebel romo battle it out in jez’s ring for a kiss my ass match in bikinis! and does it ever live up to the bitchy name of this 3 match series! it could almost be considered a catfight at times with how much rules go out the window! neither is fond of the other at all and the action here shows it! let alone the catty trash talk before the match even begins!carmen is the one who personally requests the stipulation, but you can rest assured jezebel wants to humiliate her just as bad as carmen wants to do to her! who is it that puckers up though and quite roughly at that we might add, literally having her face shoved hard into the ass of the winner repeatedly, in the end?a rough and nasty start to this special set of matches! with a beginning like this, can only imagine what part 2 will bring as a followup!

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