Vid6 Part1: Chained inside my cage

Vid6 Part1: Chained inside my cage Vid6 Part1: Chained inside my cage
This was my 2nd photo session for a european museum exhibit. my 1st session was the first time i had taken my clothes off in front of strangers before. so yeah, about 99% of women let alone preacher's wives. he placed several hidden cameras that he told me about afterwards in order to get my permission to use the footage. the theme is slavery in the choices women are coerced to make in life... maybe like doing this for me. this was live and unedited, they refer to it as a behind the scenes video, bts for short. learn something new every day! there are 4 parts, the last is a combo of the first 3. there are also photos of this session in my image store. for my bio and other samples google deadpreacherswife thanks for your support!

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