GR 336 Lara Is Back!

GR 336 Lara Is Back! GR 336 Lara Is Back!
Lara returns after a  long layoff to reclaim her title of mistress of the mats.  she faces an experienced male challenger in this competitive submissions only wrestling match.  her male brought his a game but that wasn’t enough to stop the female powerhouse.  she overwhelmed him with her strength and skill to make him submit time and again.  he couldn’t escape her tenacious attacks and suffered between her strong thighs.  she wore him down with head and body scissors.  she showed off  her upper  body strength using arm bars and head locks. the man really didn’t have a chance of winning though he tried his best.  finishing him off, she stood over her defeated opponent and struck a proud and well-deserved victory pose.  what an explosive, young amazon!  she really is one of the best!

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