Tranced and Swallowed

Tranced and Swallowed Tranced and Swallowed
this man came to your office in an effort to get stress relief counseling for all the craziness in his life.  you listened to him, mesmerized him into calmness, then you tied him up, used him as your own form of stress relief, and then happily sent him on a one-way trip into your "time out" corner where you melted his stress away... permanently. he is barely awake and then he has a pov of his perspective of you on top of him, descending with your wet, hot mouth.  you swallow him whole with some swallowing sound effects and then the rest of the scene is of you constantly teasing him while he is turning into mush inside your belly.   you say how weak he was and that you're going to "melt" all of his stresses away along with him.  flex your stomach muscles periodically as if he is still trying to escape.  eventually, you grow tired and you fall resting with the patient still moving around in your belly desperate to escape...but doomed to a slow digestion as you rest him off.

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