Don't lie, your belly is bigger than mine!

Don't lie, your belly is bigger than mine! Don't lie, your belly is bigger than mine!
Custom clip: “you and eva sit beside each other, with your bellies bulging out. the clips starts with you both talking .( doesn’t matter the subject) ( you don't know eva is a lesbian and she doesn’t know that you are a lesbian also ). while talking, eva starts touching, holding and shaking your belly ( acting like she doesn’t intended to do that ) and you do the same to her and you both repeat that many times throughout your conversation.after a while eva admits to you that she is lesbian and you too.after you say that, eva want to kiss you and you start kissing. while kissing, eva still rubs ,touches and shakes your noticed that and ask her why she is doing it.she tells you that she loves bellies, big bellies very muchthen you tell her that you also love bellies. then you start playing with each other’s bellies, admiring them and, while you are rubbing her belly, you tell her “ i love fat big bellies like yours and, of course, people are shaming you cause you have such a big belly”. eva laughs and tells you “ don't you see that yours is so much bigger than mine?”you continue controversy until you measure your belly and find that your belly is bigger than hers.she starts humiliating laughing shaming your fat belly , while you are ashamed and embarrassed and annoyed ( as you love shaming others fat belly but not the opposite) and try to hide your belly with your hands but you fail and she continues humiliating you. feel free to improvise as much as you want “enjoy!

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