Custom video finger kissing and oral seduction (1080p widescreen, italian language, 15 minutes, good lighting): you kiss, lick, and suck your fingers and tease your tongue (i will let you decide how to do that). once or twice, you tease your teeth by gently tapping your teeth with your finger. you sometimes make some sexy moans. a few times, you seductively stick out your tongue and tease it. a couple of times, you tease your tongue by tapping your finger on your wet tongue (you can also tap your tongue with your index and middle finger together). several times in the video, you have good eye contact as you tease. towards the end of the video, you dangle your hands and order me to kiss your beautiful hands. at the very end of the video, you show your middle-finger (in a way that also shows the back of your hand) and say something like “this is what you deserve!” (i will let you say things however you want to and you can include cuss words if you want). you don’t wear any lipstick (it is entirely your choice, but you can wear a little clear lip gloss if you choose to). like my recent previous customs, you can wear a black tank top, a black crop top, or a short sleeveless black dress.

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