Mummified & Buried Alive by Wicked Nurse

Mummified & Buried Alive by Wicked Nurse Mummified & Buried Alive by Wicked Nurse
Hello darling. you were in a car accident, you are in a hospital. don't worry. i give you a medication and hold an oxygen mask for you to breath in. now, i don't want you to get upset, but your injuries are serious. i don't think you are going to make it. but i will make it as comfortable as possible for you. i have prepared a place for you at the hospital burial site. it's all been taken care of. all i need to do now is to wrap you up. bandage you all over into a neat little package. i bring out roll after roll of bandage and wrap you from chest to toe. i give you some more oxygen. breathe... relax. lastly, i bandage your head, leaving you only a glimpse of what happens next. let's take you outside honey. you will go down that hole, the boys have prepared it. i watch as you get covered with the first shovel of dirt. i can't help but giggle a little. goodbye. clip contains: pov horror style femdom executrix fantasy. soft spoken verbal domination by wicked nurse. surrealistic yet realistic.similar clips:wicked nurse mummifies youmummified & buried by a wicked nursewicked nurse puts you to rest with gas

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