CAR STUCK Rescue operation in high heels

CAR STUCK Rescue operation in high heels CAR STUCK Rescue operation in high heels
"we need to pick up your little sister from the village, she has to go to school tomorrow!" - mom said into yulia's phone."okay, mom!"julia put on her new boots to show off to her sister, because the boots had a very unusual heel.she gets into the car and heads towards the village. the road is familiar, she constantly passes here and this did not cause difficulties for her car. but the last two days it has been raining and the road has become slippery and wet. yulia's car did not want to drive on such a wet road, and the wheels began to lose grip. fearing that she might get stuck here, yulia decides to turn around and drive back. but the way back becomes a trap for her wheels. the car enters a rut and it gets stuck in the mud. she tries not to damage her bumper, and tries to skid gently. after long and painful attempts, she fails to free herself on her own and she calls her friend tanya, asking her to come and help her free the stuck car. some time later, tanya arrives. she can't find the tow rope in her car. as for evil, she is shod in snow-white ankle boots, which she bought recently. but you need to help your friend. the last option remains - push the car! tanya starts to push yulia's car, but the slippery soles of her ankle boots just slide in the mud like the wheels of the car.enjoy this rescue operation with two beautiful high heels girls. 46 minutes of pleasure)

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