Fer Deals With a Homophobe

Fer Deals With a Homophobe Fer Deals With a Homophobe
Fer is back in town so he decides to pay a visit to his old friend, pedro. fer is taken aback when he learns that his friend has changed a lot through the years and he is now a homophobe. after saying goodbye, fer decides to come back wearing a mask to teach his friend a lesson. he knocks on the door and when pedro opens the door fer uses his special technique and pedro can't help going under. this video features: pedro obeying fer's orders pedro flexing his muscles pedro taking his clothes off  pedro acting like a chicken pedro jumping fer making pedro say he wants to have sex with a man multiple waking up scenarios where pedro is confused/angry about what is going on pedro smiling fer making pedro call his girlfriend and cancel their date fer jerking pedro off fer making pedro masturbate fer sucking off pedro fer tying up pedro and ballgagging him