Best Friend in Hotel Room 4K

Best Friend in Hotel Room 4K Best Friend in Hotel Room 4K
 sumiko dreams is veronica  weston’s best friend, and she is the manager of a hotel. veronica  weston is an auditor of a large company and she has committed a fraud crime by stealing the money of her company. since the money came from drug dealing; the company could only appoint daisy ducati in tracing veronica  . veronica came to sumiko dreams’s hotel and ask for help. sumiko dreams suggest veronica  tie her up and gagged her; then she can change her hotel uniform and pretended as the hotel staff and leave the hotel. while sumiko dreams can tell the company that she was being robbed by a  customer and no one will suspect it. veronica take sumiko dreams’s suggestion. but as she tied up sumiko dreams and began to wear the uniform daisy opened the door to their hotel room. they both asked how she got in there to which she told them that she had the room's key. daisy tied them up with tapes and zip and left to prepare the car to take them to his boss's company. in the room, veronica  weston and sumiko dreams both tried to struggle and veronica  weston cut off the zips with the help of a pair of scissors. but just when they tried to escape daisy came and pointed the guhhn at them asking them to get back into the room. she asked sumiko dreams  to take off her pantyhose. she tied them, making them sit on the floor back to back.  he tied up her wrist at her back and asked her to share the password to her account. she had to tell him. he then asked sumiko dreams to call the front desk and ask them to arrange a vehicle as she wanted to take the guest out. she followed. daisy left the room leaving them tied up. they struggled again and as he got back he untied veronica  weston as a gift for letting him transfer all the money into his account. now he will not take them to his boss's company. instead, he undressed veronica weston and took her to the bed. he took her. sumiko dreams cried as she could not help veronica  . once he finished off. he tied veronica  weston back again and left. they both struggled, hopped inside the room and cried for help. tired, they lay on the bed. suddenly, the door opened and the front desk staff arrived, united them both and asked them to get dressed to wait for the police.   for more clips like this, check these out:   crushed by coils failed witness protection babysitter bondage  

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