Roadside Outdoor Pee Compilation Volume 1

Roadside Outdoor Pee Compilation Volume 1 Roadside Outdoor Pee Compilation Volume 1
I think, in today's concerned society, the germs that you can get from touching germs you don't even want to touch, is not worth it! it's time to free ourselves from the social norms that hold us apart from the spirit of the wild!! let yourselves feel the liquid that surrounds us all!!! i am, of course, talking about pee. peeing. pissing. peepee, weewee, and all the other dumb words surrounding the topic. most importantly, peeing outside! why touch actual germs that accumulates in a public bathroom when you could, of course, find a secluded place to pee in the woods! or the side of the road! or whatever habitat your wild bladder stumbles upon. so, this week, i made a special video for release. it is special because i dug through all the random piss adventures i have taken while travelling, and put them into this one video. feel the wind from the road and the piss on the concrete, and enjoy. safe travels, and please don't pee in front of strangers. special note** a lot of these pee moments i would consider "special stunts" and also included travel. because it is difficult to easily create this content, the price has been adjusted.

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