Scissorhold Practice - Andrea Rosu & Danny Anderson mp4

Scissorhold Practice - Andrea Rosu & Danny Anderson mp4 Scissorhold Practice - Andrea Rosu & Danny Anderson mp4
I'm stretching in the ring, minding my own business when danny enters thinking he can challenge me...thinking that he must be stronger than me because he's a big muscular man.  but as we all know, my thighs are not to be messed with.  danny is about to find out! i decide this is a good of a time as any to practice my scissorholds, and danny is a willing victim.  he has no idea what i'm about to do to him.  but he finds out the moment i wrap my thighs around his thick neck.  he immediately realizes his mistake, but it's too late.  i'm now invested in this "practice"...where i place him in all the various scissorholds (reverse, figure 4, front, standing...and a new one that makes him whimper like a little bitch) and show him who's boss.  he taps so quickly...i ignore it.  i ko him to show him who's on top...and because i like seeing a man out because of my strong thick thighs. he's a rag doll when i'm through with him.  the only thing he's good for is to worship and massage the very legs that ruined him. more fantasies to enjoy!      5 minute challenge- andrea rosu mp4                                             scissor workout toy- andrea rosu mp4                               your scissorhold fantasy- andrea rosu mp4    

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