ID Slip diaper lazy getting ready wetting peeing

ID Slip diaper lazy getting ready wetting peeing ID Slip diaper lazy getting ready wetting peeing
I’m about to go out and enjoy the sunshine :) i’m wearing a pink and yellow t-shirt, a tight pair of pink leggings, on my cute little feet i have on my white high top sneakers, and i’m lovely and snug in a fresh id slip. i’ve put on my comfortable summer clothes and a lovely new id slip so that i can go out and scamper in the beautiful weather. but before i head outside i decide to pull my leggings down and show off my crinkly id slip :) my bladder is full and suddenly standing up has triggered it, because all at once a warm stream flows into my plastic :d you can see the id slip changing its shape as it takes on the liquid, and i’m delighted to note that it’s getting heavier too. but when i’m finished, i have no time to get changed, as i am desperate to go out and enjoy the sunshine while it lasts! but fortunately, being soggy in the sun is one of life’s pleasures ;) 

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