FinDom Demands your 10k bonus

FinDom Demands your 10k bonus FinDom Demands your 10k bonus
You have just received your bonus money from your job and you know that bonus money is mine now. all your hard work and business deals paid off, for me. look at my ass in this skintight jodhpurs, you like don't you piggy. and as you know money is my love language, it speaks to me in the way my divine ass speaks to you, kisses me, loves me, spends me, gives me more. that 10k will provide for me, well a few days, so you know you need to work harder to make me more, if you ever want a glimpse of my outstanding beauty, tight hugging outfits, high heeled leather boots, you better get me more, then i may allow you to kneel at my booted feet as i look down at you. you're just a piggy and i'm the princess.

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