The irreverent prisoner #9

The irreverent prisoner #9 The irreverent prisoner #9
Pamela plays the cop. ariane and eleonor play the prisoners. clothes. the cop wears the cop clothes. the prisoners wear the convict uniforms and sneakers. no watches. ask the models to tie their hair back. script. the cop is relaxing on the couch. the prisoners come into the room. one prisoner says help us and you won't get hurt. we need clothes, money, and some rope to tie you up. the cop decides to play along. please don't hurt me. one prisoner has the cop unlock her phone. the prisoners push the cop around and send her off. one prisoner uses the phone to send a text. the cop goes off to get the items, but she returns with a surprise. the cop has pretend pepper spray and uses it. the prisoners go down coughing. the cop says you picked the wrong house. you are going back to prison. the cop orders the prisoners to put their hands behind their heads, cross the fingers and go to their knees. have the prisoners face the camera while the cop searches them. the cop finds  one prisoner and a handcuff key on the other. the cop cuffs the prisoners in front - nice and snug. the cop calls the prison, reports success and has the prisoners stand up and rattle their cuffs for the phone. not much noise, but fun. the cop takes selfies with the prisoners. the prisoners are mad at first, but get in the spirit and hold up their cuffs to pose. the cop takes some pictures with the prisoners giving the middle finger and sends a picture off to the prisoner's friend. when the film time is right, the cop takes the prisoners off to jail. make sure the cop is behind the prisoners so that we see everything. the prisoners wave at the camera. full hd eng

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