Sweet Revenge HQE - Blondie Fesser

Sweet Revenge HQE - Blondie Fesser Sweet Revenge HQE - Blondie Fesser
Blondie leans back against the living’s room furniture. she dials her friends number on her phone and calmly waits for a response as she stares through the window next to her. blondie is calling her best friend to tell her she’s finally putting an end to her relationship with her boyfriend by shrinking him down and making him her property.  she’s so sick of him being always so selfish and never minding blondie’s feelings, worries or interests. he only cares about her because of her body, so now that’s the only thing he’ll get in his life.  the tiny man wakes up disoriented. he only recalls having a coffee with blondie and now he’s the size of a flea, inside a black jar full of little holes. blondie pocks a few times the little cage walls before beginning to explain the situation to her former boyfriend. she’s sick of his behaviour, always being the center of everything while her needs are ignored. that won’t stand anymore. fuck his friends, fuck his job and fuck his goals in life, now he’s hers and he’ll live only to be useful to her. from now on he’ll be blondie’s property. she will use him as she wishes.

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