Remote controlled aromatic anal orgasm in Chastity

Remote controlled aromatic anal orgasm in Chastity Remote controlled aromatic anal orgasm in Chastity
You are wearing that chastity cage pretty long ago and you want to come very badly... you feel so fucking horny, you feel like you cannot take this any longer... especially if you see my big boobs in that sheer nylon bodysuit. if you want to come that badly i think you can , but as the way i want... so, i have a funny idea ! i will put a vibrator up to your asshole, and i will give you a bottle of aroma. you have to inhale the aroma during this session, and just go with the flow... feel that thing inside your asshole and give in to the pleasure! i will put a remote control type of vibrator inside you, so that way i can control your asshole through an app on my phone. as you sitting here with your leaking aching locked cock and as you get more and more aromatic hits, i will massage your insides and make you even more desperate and horny for me... if you want to come that much, come inside the chastity cage ! if you are that horny, i think you can do it easily especially if i trigger you that much ! you have to reach an aromatic hands free anal orgasm for me, this is the task. goon luck! :)

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