Doctor-TampaCom EXCLUSIVE - SICCOS - Secret Internment Camps of Chinas Oppressed Society - Zoe Lark - Part 6 of 14 MP4

Doctor-TampaCom EXCLUSIVE - SICCOS - Secret Internment Camps of Chinas Oppressed Society - Zoe Lark - Part 6 of 14 MP4 Doctor-TampaCom EXCLUSIVE - SICCOS - Secret Internment Camps of Chinas Oppressed Society - Zoe Lark - Part 6 of 14 MP4
S.i.c.c.o.s. "secret internment camps of china's oppressed society" - zoe lark - part 6 of 14 *this movie is filmed from doctor tampa’s pov (point of view) 100% uncut with consent scenes & behind the scenes added at the start & end of movie   the disturbingly real backstory behind siccos: in 2017 the chinese government began imprisoning the uyghur's population in china under the guise of sending them to secret "vocational education & training" camps. the chinese government claims the camps are for re-education & assimilation of the uyghurs into chinese culture. these camps reportedly operate secretly outside of the chinese legal system with no accountability. those who have survived and escaped tell of the horrors and atrocities at the hands of the chinese dictatorship. mandatory medical exam's, human experimentation, brainwashing, organ harvesting, tort her, and many other unspeakable acts of mistreatment have been reported... in 2019, the united nations ambassadors from 22 nations signed a letter condemning china's mass detention of the uyghurs and other minority groups, urging the chinese government to close the camps. the united states of america was not one of those 22 countries condemning the chinese government's actions. conversely, a statement was signed by 37 states supporting china's inhumane actions. we will never forget their actions in supporting a potential genocide. algeria, angola, bahrain, bangladesh, belarus, bolivia, burkina faso, burundi, cambodia, cameroon, comoros, congo, cuba, democratic republic of the congo, djibouti, egypt, equatorial guinea, eritrea, gabon, iran, iraq, kuwait, laos, mozambique, myanmar, nepal, nigeria, north korea, oman, pakistan, philippines, russia, saudi arabia, serbia, somalia, south sudan, sri lanka, sudan, syria, tajikistan, togo, turkmenistan, uganda, united arab emirates, uzbekistan, venezuela, yemen, zambia & zimbabwe doctor tampa & staff fully condemn china's actions and urge all to condemn this potential genocide. #stopthehate #spreadthelove #socialawarenessporn   part 3 (continued) new prisoner intake: extensive 2 hour external & internal medical examination location: xijinping camp #85, new specimen exam room #152   the doctor cleans up his work area, setting all his specimen sample sets to the side as 822 lays there. strapped down and spread eagle in the stirrups with a speculum inside her, the dental gag still holds open her mouth as the clamps and chains pull back her labia. with his work area now clean, the doctor turns his attention back to the next task. with a wooden scraper and swab in hand, 822 cries out as he sticks it into a vagina, performing a pap smear. withdrawing the wooden tool, he spreads some of her cells onto a slide before using an applicator to take another cervical sample. retrieving yet another sterile swab in a clear tube, the doctor opens it as he continues taking samples of her cervix. turning his attention to the standard set of sterile sample packets that have been pre-labeled for him to collect, he opens the one labeled cervix. 822 cries out as once again, the doctor pokes the opening of her uterus before collecting the vaginal wall swab set as well. 822 hears the crinkle of another sterile instrument package being opened, followed by various instruments clinging against each. the doctor turns back to 822, facing her with a large biopsy instrument in hand. "we're going to take a little snip-snip out of you," he says while gripping the handle, showing 822 how the biopsy tool works to obtain a sample of her cervix. 822 cries out as he slides the instrument through the opening of the speculum inside of her body. "are you ready? 1, 2, 3," he says before clamping down on the handle, taking a small piece of her cervix from her. she cries out from the pain as the doctor turns around, setting the instrument down. "that didn't hurt that bad, did it?" he says, picking up another biopsy instrument. "that was your cervix, now we need a little sample from your vaginal walls. are you ready? 1," he begins as she shakes her head no, crying out. "oh well, it's going to happen, 2, 3," he says, gripping down on the handle, taking a small piece of her vaginal walls from her. 822 cries out in pain and begins sobbing through her dental gag. the doctor locks the biopsy punch and sets it down on the instrument tray, picking up a pair of tweezers. putting some gauze in between the tweezers, he inserts it inside of her, cleaning up the little mess he made by taking the sample of her cervix and vaginal wall. "you see the kind of troubling your siblings can get you in. it might not be you that's misbehaving, but your step-sister's actions have put you here as a result," he lectures her while tapping her inner thigh with his finger. he turns around and picks up another instrument off of the cart before turning back to her spread legs. releasing the speculum from the stronghold it had stretching apart her vaginal walls, the doctor pulls it out, setting it aside. with the other device in hand, the doctor begins inserting the long slender rod into her vagina. moving it in various ways, he takes measurements of her vagina's size. "now we're going to begin the vaginal depth probing. 8 to the top," he says he moves the probe around inside 822. "the bottom is 10, left-back is an 8, and right is 8 as well. straight back is an 8." setting the instrument down on the cart, 822 finally breaths a momentary sigh of relief with no foreign objects inside of her vagina. but she knows that probably won't last long as the doctor turns his attention back to the area between her legs. once again spreading her labia apart with his gloved hands, the doctor comments on 822's body. "this specimen exhibits the same consistency that i have been finding with chinese women. they have smaller vaginas internally and externally," he says while removing the clamps holding her labia apart. the doctor walks back up to the head of the table, retrieving his penlight. pulling 822's eyelids back, he begins to shine his light into her eyes, examining them to see if the liquid he put in there earlier is reacting. she tries to close her eyes, frightened to be looking directly at the faceless doctor once again and is relieved once he turns his back to her. grabbing his clipboard, the doctor sits back onto his stool, pulling the instrument cart back into place. he begins making notations on his clipboard as 822 lays there whining. picking up the two metal instruments from earlier, he uses them to move around her labia minora and majora. pushing them side to side, he then spreads them apart as he thoroughly examines her most intimate places with his cold instruments. moving the tools up to her clitoris, the doctor uses them to retract 822's clitoral hood, exposing her sensitive little bud. holding the clitoral hood back with one of the instruments, he uses the other to begin tapping on her clitoris. 822 begins to cry out and move around as the doctor sends shock waves through her body. "the specimen has good sexual function and reflexes," says the doctor as he continues his thorough probing and examination. spreading her labia minora once more, he stares into her vagina before putting the instruments down, making multiple notes on his clipboard. using his left hand, he begins spreading her labia further apart, studying her. setting the clipboard down, he retrieves the micrometer again as he begins taking measurements from every part of her lower female anatomy. calling out her vagina's dimensions gives 822 feels a whole new level of feeling like a specimen in the faceless doctor's research. "the clitoral hood is 25, the hood width is 15. overall vaginal height is 75. below the clitoris is 41. the actual vaginal opening is about 8 with a width of 4...though that can be stretched!" he says while his gloved hands move everywhere in between her legs. "urethral opening is a 5 and 3 for the width. the clitoris itself is going to be a height of 5, and 5 wide," he says, letting her clitoral hood slide out of his gloved fingers. "70 right and 74 left for the labia height," he says, continuing the measurements. grabbing 822's labia minora between his fingers, he stretches them out so he can measure their thickness. "the right side's thickness is a 2, the left side is a 2 as well," says the doctor before letting go of her labia. setting the micrometer down, the doctor picks up a roll of medical tape. 822 begins to cry through the dental gag, wondering what he is going to do next. the doctor stands up to rearrange the instrument cart, putting aside the already used instruments aside. grabbing a set of sounds off of the counter top, he sets them down on the instrument cart, picking up a sterile pair of gloves. as he has done every time before, he opens them, setting the packet on 822's abdomen. unfolding it on her chest, the doctor dons the gloves inches from her face while snapping every finger into place. "so nice to have such a helpful glove dispenser," jokes the doctor. 822 just lets out a massive cry when the translation finally comes through. "i think you're hired for the position," he continues, verbally taunting her. with a fresh pair of sterile gloves snapped into place on his fingers, the doctor opens the packet of urethral sounds. there's another device in with the sounds, a new type of clamp the doctor has designed. it keeps the subject's labia spread, exposing her vaginal entrance and urethral orifice. placing the cold labia spreader instrument against her vagina as he pulls her labia between the metal plates, 822 cries out as the doctor begins tightening the clamp. as the doctor applies the experimental clamp to her vagina, the camera broadcasting both of their actions back to the chinese government runs out of battery. not wanting to disappoint employers, the doctor knows he needs to leave the examination room and replace the camera with haste. but he's already opened and touched a sterile instrument, so he must at least complete installing the labia spreader clamp onto 822's vagina before proceeding to change his camera. returning to his task, he grabs back onto 822's right labia, pulling it through the spreader. "uh oh! sounds like they just had to stop watching me. that's no good," he says as he continues tightening the clamp down on her right labia. with the right side in place, he lets go of the device to see if it has a solid grip on 822's body. as his gloved hand lets go of the instrument, the doctor is happy to see the clamp does not move, holding its position. with her right labia minora secured, the doctor grabs her left labia and pulls it between the two metal plates. with several massive cries, the doctor pushes the two plates together and tightens the bolts, securing her left labia minora. the device is now keeping her vagina held open. 822 can feel the rush of cold air on her vaginal entrance as well as her urethra. stepping to 822's side, the doctor begins rubbing her breasts, "hmmm. i'll return. this doesn't work," he says, pointing up to the camera." because unlike you, i don't want to disappoint the leader. and just in case he's watching, i don't want him to miss anything," the doctor says. he slaps the specimen on her chest a few times before walking out of the exam room. 822 is left in the room all alone, spread eagle strapped into the stirrups while lying on her back. she continues to groan as she lies there with the dental gag spreading her mouth wide open and the labia clamp now spreading her vagina wide open. with her arms restrained above her head, she has minimal movement she can do. looking around the room, she can hear what she assumes is the doctor just on the other side of the wall. frightened, she can't imagine what's going to happen next now that he has affixed this contraption onto her labia. but she doesn't have to wait very long before he re-enters, opening a pair of sterile gloves. "excellent, i'm glad to see you didn't go anywhere," he says as she begins to cry out. he sets the sterile pack down on her chest, unfolding it as he begins to don a fresh pair of sterile surgical gloves. snapping each finger into place, his hands hover just inches from her eyes. 822 can only stare in horror, imagining what is going to take place next. as he crumples up the empty packet, he stares her in the eyes before throwing it away. the doctor moves back down to his stool in between 822's legs, pulling the instrument cart next to him once again. leaning in between her legs, he stares at his work, allowing anyone watching his head's camera to see what they missed. "after i lost the camera, i don't think anybody got to see this device going on you. but it looks very nice on you," the doctor says, organizing the sounds by size. 822 does like hearing the sound of the metal instruments banging together and begins to cry out as she watches the doctor lubricate the smallest sound. she can only imagine where inside of her body the doctor is about to put the instrument! as the doctor draws the sound closer in towards her urethra, 822's cries begin to grow louder. "i need you to relax," he says as he starts slowly working the sound into her urethra. her screams subside before becoming more emphatic as he continues inserting the sound deeper into 822's urinary tract. the doctor continues to ease the sound in as far as it's able to go. once he reaches the maximum depth of the instrument, he retracts it back out slowly as 822 continues to gasp through the dental gag. the doctor pushes the sound up her urethra all the way once more. 822 continues crying out before he slowly withdraws it all the way out of her body, much to her relief. but that relief is short-lived as the doctor sets the sound down, picking up a larger one. he begins lubricating it before resting it up against her urethral opening. slowly, the doctor begins to insert the more massive sound up into her urethra. once it reaches its maximum depth, he strokes it in and out with a short and shallow pattern. retracting it almost all the way out, he changes direction, sliding it all the way back into her urinary tract. finally, he withdraws the sound entirely from her urethra as she lets out a tremendous sigh of relief. exclusive! all videos are filmed from doctor tampa's point of view, so you can glove in, and become the doctor!   keywords: doctors pov, point of view, medical fetish, medfet, social awareness porn, behind the scenes, bts, consent scenes, asian, large breasts, fake breasts, small nipples, wide hips, bubble butt, long black hair, mandarin language, auto translator, prisoner, wrist restraints, exam room, restraints, confused, scared, male doctor, faceless doctor, latex gloves, procedure mask, surgeon gown, complete nude, completely naked, dental spreader, dental gag, barcode tattoo, humiliation, groping, pelvic close up camera, automated exam table, restrained, sterile gloves, surgical gloves, body sampling, body swabs, sterile sample sets, arms restrained above head, stirrups, spread eagle, legs restrained in stirrups, pelvic exam, gyno exam, labia spreader, labia clamps, gaping, cusco speculum, pap smear, biopsy, vaginal wall biopsy, cervical biopsy, vaginal depth measurement, clitoral hood retractor, pelvic measurements, vaginal measurements, labia clamp spreader

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