Using You To Demonstrate To My Girls How To Deal With A Foot Pervert

Using You To Demonstrate To My Girls How To Deal With A Foot Pervert Using You To Demonstrate To My Girls How To Deal With A Foot Pervert
You have been found in the dormitories sniffing worn pantyhose, stockings and heels. you are clearly a foot pervert and i have decided to make good use of you. i have taken you up in front of my entire school for this morning’s assembly, in front of all my sexy girls and gorgeous teachers, and as you stand staring at me you wonder what is about to happen. i explain to everyone what you were caught doing and also explain how this morning’s assembly is going to be on the subject of ‘dealing with a foot pervert’. i then proceed to tell my girls, should they ever catch someone like you and i am not around, what they should do with you. i tell them how they are free to punish in any way they see fit, however there is a much better and a more fun thing they can do. they can try and turn the foot pervert into a full time foot slave! this way they can have foot pampering whenever they want, plus they will have presents bought for them and also have someone to do whatever they say, all because their foot slave is addicted to their feet. to demonstrate i make you lie on the floor and look up at me, i then show the girls how to build up a foot perverts addiction to their feet. i slip off my warm heels and push my sweaty nylon foot into your face and make you breath in the scent. i repeat several times with both of my feet before making you lick my nylon soles and then i push each of my feet into your mouth and make you suck on all my toes at once. f0602

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