TEA and ISABELE - Delicious lunch for an old whore (4K)

TEA and ISABELE - Delicious lunch for an old whore (4K) TEA and ISABELE - Delicious lunch for an old whore (4K)
And again we met my dear isabele. and again this old idiot is at her house, why does she even keep her? well, at least we will have fun and, of course, we will not forget about the stupid monica, because she needs to be fed so that she has the strength to serve us. chocolate is a luxury for a bitch, but i'm generous today. eat that fucking chocolate right off our feet! do you want to drink? help yourself to grubs, whore! you still have to take it all away and clean our feet. we will not go somewhere in this form. there is still a lot of work ahead for you, old woman! ..tequila..

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